Elite Kills

Kills: Elite Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of elites they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
51 Lunadius 50 5,876
52 Night0 50 5,875
53 l0rdka0s 50 5,745
54 5ToBeme3 50 5,734
55 Vraagmenix 50 5,599
56 Jannekke 50 5,564
57 nefeli 50 5,440
58 oops 50 5,434
59 PanDaLV 50 5,434
60 zou 50 5,330
61 jdirtyx 50 5,304
62 zargon 50 5,229
63 Jorsin 50 5,144
64 Mainframe 50 5,125
65 RamEagle 50 5,112
66 Dassypoo 47 5,106
67 Monkeyspanked 50 5,070
68 Faraleth 50 5,061
69 Someone 50 5,002
70 Rydell 50 4,956
71 xrwiz 50 4,946
72 Wincoll 50 4,931
73 earthgoddess 50 4,915
74 toothpick 50 4,881
75 glorious 50 4,869