Elite Kills

Kills: Elite Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of elites they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
76 robinhoed 50 4,815
77 GODOFWARS 50 4,808
78 Ultramus 50 4,800
79 Radaka 50 4,797
80 Dalk 50 4,788
81 ramierz 50 4,677
82 jmaisc 50 4,637
83 Devinel 50 4,554
84 Enopyrus 50 4,534
85 Avanchnzel 50 4,446
87 Bronzon 50 4,361
88 Kyrion 50 4,262
89 IMAWIZZARD 50 4,233
90 fiskyy 50 4,233
91 Nerium 50 4,069
92 yourname 50 4,064
93 Exilada 50 4,049
94 Fahriel 50 4,048
95 MRBOOTH 50 4,042
96 NightStriker 50 4,019
97 Dalby 50 3,938
98 DaniloFoxGamee 50 3,937
99 ShadowBane 50 3,930
100 swordhands 50 3,908