Elite Kills

Kills: Elite Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of elites they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
101 Harpia 50 3,894
102 Frog 50 3,879
103 Dark_Knight_1 50 3,850
104 mmhm 50 3,839
105 Crystal314 50 3,826
106 Marvonen 50 3,809
107 LordofWarrior 50 3,808
108 REDSky 50 3,759
109 Malo 50 3,724
110 Blitzmare 50 3,633
111 Ant 50 3,565
112 Psylvie 50 3,527
113 Fizban 50 3,498
114 Zita 50 3,480
115 AliciaSin 33 3,480
116 SnowyJay 50 3,475
117 Raziel 50 3,469
118 med_abd 50 3,459
119 Nottaken 50 3,434
120 RustyBucket 35 3,389
121 gogsy 50 3,329
122 PaleRider 50 3,322
123 Maxx1945 50 3,276
124 Thornir 50 3,274
125 KBZoldyck 50 3,250