Elite Kills

Kills: Elite Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of elites they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
126 Goldenfly 50 3,244
127 D4VYJONES 50 3,228
128 Malaggar_Pharn 50 3,209
129 Unlucker 49 3,190
130 johndaymon 50 3,188
131 LadyWidow 50 3,178
132 CrimsonedBunny 50 3,104
133 Shaman 50 3,055
134 WindyGod 50 3,045
135 Zarnek 50 3,008
136 TrinityCantrel 50 2,951
137 Slabbergast 50 2,944
138 Alex_24 50 2,939
139 Azurion 49 2,932
140 LaVentMort 50 2,915
141 DarkPaladin 50 2,837
142 MidnightCowboy 50 2,773
143 CandyCandy 48 2,746
144 Lilibeth 50 2,727
145 xKjelligx 50 2,721
146 archey 50 2,689
147 ElkHunter 50 2,685
148 dannyp 50 2,652
149 Kaidraah 50 2,584
150 No_1_Important 38 2,579