Legendary Kills

Kills: Legendary Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of legendaries they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
276 PXT 50 81
277 Guwer 34 81
278 mickabooth 34 80
279 MEJA 50 80
280 RedoRanger 37 80
281 Annihilator182 45 80
282 Evelake 28 80
283 Tidus 29 78
284 Lucid 38 78
285 eagleeyezz 36 78
286 Xian 40 78
287 AnonKali 39 77
288 whiter 36 77
289 Obsolete13 39 77
290 Proffej 34 76
291 ZaaR 40 76
292 SnowyJay 50 76
293 MSDHONI 35 75
294 Susej 32 75
295 Glyxbringer 36 75
296 Lawlolulz 28 75
297 DragonXtreme 35 74
298 Misfit 32 73
299 Alphamale 32 73
300 Voluntaryist 42 73