Legendary Kills

Kills: Legendary Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of legendaries they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
34,101 Krenn 3 1
34,102 CrunchyBones 18 1
34,103 goofmuffin 9 1
34,104 minteyay 12 1
34,105 17Keeper 17 1
34,106 Quesado 18 1
34,107 Gu3x 18 1
34,108 Buddhaz 25 1
34,109 Wetfart 11 1
34,110 OrangeRacoon 10 1
34,111 SPOOCHI 7 1
34,112 Bohaz 8 1
34,113 st4Rg4ZR86 6 1
34,114 lostknite12 5 1
34,115 ShiroMoriZERO 13 1
34,116 Lucitania 19 1
34,117 PrincessAileen 6 1
34,118 Wiz3Max 5 1
34,119 Terkano 9 1
34,120 Gruntilda 7 1
34,121 Polarmuffin325 6 1
34,122 Graystarr 3 1
34,123 markgoldsword1 3 1
34,124 WyrdoNo 13 1
34,125 Shiliam 6 1