Legendary Kills

Kills: Legendary Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of legendaries they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
51 Guthix 50 382
52 Maquiboy 47 381
53 Avanchnzel 50 374
54 Burl 50 366
55 Ousinder 48 355
56 IMAWIZZARD 50 355
57 robinhoed 50 350
58 Dassypoo 47 345
59 Laxavra 48 333
60 Kinfa 50 330
61 mmhm 50 329
62 Dave 50 327
63 WarlockTyr 50 320
64 jdirtyx 50 320
65 ernzor 50 312
66 Atlantean 50 306
67 Steve1973 50 304
68 Souls 50 302
69 gogsy 50 296
70 FlowingWater 50 293
71 Bryn 42 287
72 Doctor_Jed 38 287
73 NerdyNeko 50 283
74 SirMatthias 50 282
75 Fable 50 281