Legendary Kills

Kills: Legendary Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of legendaries they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
201 Thornir 50 120
202 Ermes 46 119
203 Euterpe 50 119
204 leroyp 42 118
205 ViniciusVZ 50 118
206 jkyle 43 118
207 emofarmergagi 50 118
208 dragon1234 50 117
209 Eterniya 44 116
210 ConquerzDemonz 48 116
211 Night0 50 116
212 Doja 50 115
213 MistaE 50 115
214 cyrus7 50 114
215 Smucko 43 114
217 MoonWidow 33 114
218 Debrutsid 50 113
219 Tazz17 50 111
220 daawsomeone 48 111
221 LordofWarrior 50 111
222 fiskyy 50 111
223 Salador 33 110
224 TargetMaN 36 110
225 Kazdan 50 109