Battlegrounds Won

Player vs Player: Battlegrounds Won

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of battlegrounds won.



Rank Main Character Account Level Total Wins
76 Shaman 50 109
77 _CID_ 28 108
78 Voluntaryist 42 108
79 Toros 49 107
80 Psylvie 50 107
81 swordhands 50 106
82 Bubuu 44 106
83 OGBobbyJohnson 39 103
84 Jhaide 28 102
85 johndaymon 50 99
86 I_own_U_lose 48 98
87 Twinkie 50 94
88 AnonKali 39 92
89 Lawlolulz 28 92
90 MidnightCowboy 50 92
91 Noxia 11 92
92 Clicenia 40 91
93 Dassypoo 47 90
94 xXwhoXx 32 90
95 Rubsy 13 90
96 variform 28 89
97 Raziel 50 87
98 zou 50 86
99 knoepert 50 85
100 Ultramus 50 84