Boss Kills

Kills: Boss Kills

Viewing accounts ranked by the total number of bosses they have killed.



Rank Main Character Account Level Kills
66,476 LcZ 2 3
66,477 Eeeee 2 3
66,478 Ubaid 5 3
66,479 Isrek 4 3
66,480 KadHtler 3 3
66,481 gotlan 2 3
66,482 Esmarielda 10 3
66,483 Heroborn 3 3
66,484 B0D13 2 3
66,485 ValariaLyte 3 3
66,486 DrewBurnz 2 3
66,487 BobbyDaniel 2 3
66,488 StingyRayJ 2 3
66,489 Jopo 2 3
66,490 DRZONK 2 3
66,491 Camokaxx 2 3
66,492 ranchedpickles 3 3
66,493 styxy 2 3
66,494 bewollf 2 3
66,495 FuzzyWuzzle 5 3
66,496 erickvsr 2 3
66,497 brat2 2 3
66,498 Ullygton 2 3
66,499 Claugus 3 3
66,500 seeker85 3 3